How Do Touch Point Disinfectant Wipes Save Time and Money?

When selecting wipes for your facility, it’s important to select the right tool for the job. Pre-saturated wipes are effective, safe, and able to save you time and money.

How do Touch Point wipes save time?

Every business knows that time is precious. Why not choose a solution that is able to save you time without sacrificing quality and effectiveness?

  1. Single-Step Process: Simply wipe the surface to clean and disinfect in one easy step. The solution needs to air dry on the surface for maximum efficacy, so there is no need to take extra steps to dry the surface.
  2. No Mixing of Chemicals: Pre-saturated wipes are ready-to-use with the optimal amount of liquid solution. The time savings your business will have from no longer needing to prepare your own solution will greatly add up over time.
  3. Convenience: Wipes can be grabbed quickly and are disposed of after one use. No need to re-wet cloths, make extra trips to the cleaning cart, or launder and sort the cloths. This frees up staff for other, more urgent tasks.

How do Touch Point wipes save money?

  1. One Product, Dual Uses: Because Touch Point wipes both clean and disinfect, there is no need to purchase other cleaners. Added bonus: Touch Point Disinfectant Wipes also save storage space.
  2. Easy to Use: The simplified process means minimal training, resulting in fewer labour costs. Plus, there is no need to mix dangerous chemicals in order to effectively clean and disinfect your facility.
  3. Cost Effectiveness: Purchasing large refill rolls is economical.
  4. Less Waste: Because one wipe can clean a large surface, no paper towels are needed, resulting in less waste.

Every organization benefits by finding ways to save time or money. Choosing Touch Point Disinfectant Wipes allows you to do both.

To see our Touch Point Wipes product lines, please click this link:

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